Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ok Well we have been so busy that I have not had a chance to update or anything.
After Easter weekend we went to San Antonio last week and had a great time.
We arrived in San Antonio on Tuesday evening with my mom, dad, sister, niece and Uncle Gilbert. We had a great time relaxing on Tuesday and then Wednesday it was time to work. We went to my mom's parents house and Jacob, my dad, and my uncle started laying a wood floor at the house. It was alot of work, but they got it done in one day and it looks great. I have put some pictures blow. Then my whole family arrived on Thursday evening at the house that we rented for the week. There were 15 of us staying in this house and it was great. We had a fishing pond and a basketball court, a covered pavilion and a TV in every room of the house. There was also a ping pong table and an air hockey table. The kids had a blast being together.

On Friday evening my grandparents came over and we had a huge family picnic with about 60-70 people coming. It was really great to see alot of my great aunts and great uncles. Alot of my second cousins were there and it was alot of fun catching up with everyone. We went fishing on Friday night and one of my cousins and his friend caught a big catfish. On Saturday we got up and had a nice reception for my grandparents and we took some family pictures.

We left the reception for my grandparents early and headed off to Dallas for a family vacation with just the 4 of us. We ended up going to the Great Wolf Lodge and waterpark. It was a blast. The kids loved getting to go swimming even though it was a bit chilly outside and I really enjoyed it as well. We stayed most of the day at the waterpark on Sunday and then we headed home. I was so glad to get home and get to relax.

Now this week is my mom's birthday week and so we have to get ready for her party on Saturday and then I hope that we get a little break before Summer starts.

Monday, April 13, 2009

This weekend was a wonderful and exciting weekend. We had a really good time on Saturday morning in Minden at the Easter Egg Hunt with my parents. They hid 10,000 eggs and had about 135 kids or so. It was a blast. The Easter Bunny was there and they had a hayride and an Easter Bonnet contest. The kids loved it and they got so many eggs.

Then we came home and had our annual Speight family Easter party. It was so much fun. Jacob's family came over and we grilled burgers and hot dogs. We hid about 350 eggs and there were six kids that got to hunt for them. They had a blast. Then my mother in law and sis in law gave all of the kids these huge baskets full for Easter and Jacob's aunt gave them a baggie full of easter candy. We have so much Easter candy I don't know what to do with all of it. On Sunday morning the kids got their Easter baskets from the Easter bunny and loved everything in it.
We went and did our third Egg hunt at the Langford's house on Sunday afternoon. It was fun but raining.

This morning I did not have kids to watch, but I did have some errands to run. Preston and I had a great time spending the day together. We even got to go on a lunch date to Cici's. That is Preston's favorite place to eat. We then came home and he took a 3 hour nap before we had to get up and go pick up sister from school.

Tonight we have been packing for our vacation and I am so excited to be leaving tomorrow. We are going to have fun even though we will be working hard. I love going to San Antonio and visiting my family. I am hoping to get to take the kids to Promised Land Dairy while we are there. It is really neat there and we get to feed the cows and the kids get to pretend to milk a cow. They really like it there so I hope that we get the chance to go there. I am really excited about getting to see my mom's family.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Today is a good day so far and it is my last full day of work because Friday I have off and next week I have off to go out of town. I am so excited about getting to take a mini vacation. We are going to get to see lots of family that we haven't seen in a while and we will get to help my grandparents celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary. I am so excited.

This weekend we are going to be pretty busy. I am going to try to talk Jacob into taking Hannah on a date to see the Miley Cyrus movie on Friday night and then Saturday we are going to the biggest Easter Egg Hunt in Minden that we have ever been too. It is going to be a blast. Then we are going to be coming home for our annual Speight Family Easter Egg Hunt and Party at our house. That will be a blast. Sunday we have church in the morning and then we will be going to my brother in laws parents house for Easter dinner. Then we get to rest and pack for our upcoming trip. I love short weeks.

Friday, April 03, 2009

I am getting ready for my monthly date with my husband and waiting on all of my daycare kids to get picked up. It has definitely been a long week and I am ready for it to be over. Sunday will be our Easter musical and it is really affecting my vocal chords. I hope that after this I can make it to the doctor to get looked at. I am just really scared that once I go I will not be able to sing anymore. I love to sing so that would be a real heartbreak for me if that happened.

Tonight Jacob and I are going to see Fast and Furious and going out to eat somewhere good I hope. Tomorrow morning Jacob is going mowing and then I have to take Preston to the doctor because he has broken out in some sort of rash on his face. After we brave the doctors office I need to get groceries and get back to the church by 3:30 for dress rehearsal. I am going to be so worn out, but I know that it will definitely be worth it on Sunday evening. I also am singing a special Sunday morning so I sometime have to find the time to work on that.

I hope that I get everything in so that I can take the smallest of naps on Sunday afternoon. Have a wonderful weekend and if you are not busy stop by our church Sunday night at 6 for our Easter drama. It is going to be great.