Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ok Well we have been so busy that I have not had a chance to update or anything.
After Easter weekend we went to San Antonio last week and had a great time.
We arrived in San Antonio on Tuesday evening with my mom, dad, sister, niece and Uncle Gilbert. We had a great time relaxing on Tuesday and then Wednesday it was time to work. We went to my mom's parents house and Jacob, my dad, and my uncle started laying a wood floor at the house. It was alot of work, but they got it done in one day and it looks great. I have put some pictures blow. Then my whole family arrived on Thursday evening at the house that we rented for the week. There were 15 of us staying in this house and it was great. We had a fishing pond and a basketball court, a covered pavilion and a TV in every room of the house. There was also a ping pong table and an air hockey table. The kids had a blast being together.

On Friday evening my grandparents came over and we had a huge family picnic with about 60-70 people coming. It was really great to see alot of my great aunts and great uncles. Alot of my second cousins were there and it was alot of fun catching up with everyone. We went fishing on Friday night and one of my cousins and his friend caught a big catfish. On Saturday we got up and had a nice reception for my grandparents and we took some family pictures.

We left the reception for my grandparents early and headed off to Dallas for a family vacation with just the 4 of us. We ended up going to the Great Wolf Lodge and waterpark. It was a blast. The kids loved getting to go swimming even though it was a bit chilly outside and I really enjoyed it as well. We stayed most of the day at the waterpark on Sunday and then we headed home. I was so glad to get home and get to relax.

Now this week is my mom's birthday week and so we have to get ready for her party on Saturday and then I hope that we get a little break before Summer starts.