Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am learning alot about faith and trust today. I have known for some time that there was a possibility that my husbands job would be in trouble since he works for a supplier of GM. Today he said that some very important decisions were being made concerning several Magna plants. I am praying that one of those plants is not his. I know and have known that there was a possibility that we might have to move, but I just am not ready for that to happen. I don't know what God has in store for our family but I do know that I have to trust Him and know that He knows what is best for us. Please pray that we will know what way God wants us to go and that we follow His lead and not the way that we want to go. I am just praying that the doors will be open and that our eyes and hearts are open to see the way that God wants us to go.

Monday, February 23, 2009

This weekend was wonderful for our family. My dad was able to come back to our church this past Sunday night and baptize Hannah. It was so exciting and we are so proud of her. My family and Jacob's family and some of our good friends came to our house for dinner after church. We had bodacious bar-b-que and it was good. Mrs. Nora our next door neighbor brought over some wonderful banana pudding and my mother-in-law brought some of her wonderful king cake. It was delicious. Today all of my daycare kids were back and it was alot of fun. We really missed Ashlynn and Isabelle last week. Today was also kind of a hard day for me because my grandfather was in a car wreck. He is okay, but he should not have been driving in the first place. He did not want to listen to his children and grandchildren when we said he should not be driving. He and my grandmother will be moving down here sooner than my parents thought because of what happened. I am not glad that it happened but I am glad that he will be moving here sooner. I just ask that everyone keep my dad and mom in your prayers as well as my aunts and uncles. Also keep my grandparents in your prayers. That God will just open the doors that are needed to be opened so that they can be taken care of.
Also I would ask that everyone keep Jacob and his job in your prayers. We don't know what is going to happen and we will not know until the end of March. Right now it is not looking promising and it is very frustrating. And it is up to the President and Congress to decide basically by deciding what to do with GM. I just pray that God opens their minds and hearts to do what is right for the company whatever that may mean for our family is fine. God is going to help us through it we just have to keep remembering that.
The last thing that I will write about tonight is my son. I am so frustrated with him and the fact that he does not want to potty train. If anyone has any ideas please share them with me. He was potty training great and then all of sudden decided he was no longer interested in going to the potty. We have taken away toys, the Wii, and his favorite trains. He still does not care. I have also gone as far as to leave him in wet pants all day and he does not care. I don't know what else to do, but I do know that he will be 4 in June and he should already be out of pull ups. I hope that everyone has a great day and I hope to hear your ideas on potty training. I might pull out my hair if we don't learn soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So far this has been a great weekend. After Hannah came home from school with a slight fever and we thought that we might have to cancel our plans, but we had a great babysitter that came over and stayed with her and Preston. They had a great time playing with Bonnie, who Preston called Barney, and Bailey. We finally made it to the Mark Lowry concert with some friends, Erin and Damon Reeves. We had a blast. Mark Lowry is so funny and the group LordSong that came with him is great. Then today we let Hannah sleep in since she was not feeling well and then we cleaned house. We are getting ready for a very exciting evening tomorrow night, Hannah is getting baptized. We then got dressed and headed out to the Mardi Gras Parade in Shreveport. It was so much fun. We went with some of our good friends Michael and Julie Allwhite and Susan and Dane Loyd. We had a really good time and the kids caught a ton of beads and toys. The kids and I even rolled down this giant hill that we were standing on top of. It was cool. When we left there we took the kids to eat at our favorite Mexican restraunt Gomez. It is so good. Now I am trying to pick out a song to sing in the morning and then we will be running all day to get ready to have our family over for dinner after Hannah's baptism. I hope that all of you guys are having a great weekend just like we are.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I just want to say thanks to my Pokeno girlfriends. I always have such a great time playing pokeno and talking about adult things. There is only so much kid talk a girl can take at one time. After spending so much time with kids during the week I really look forward to girl time. This is just a short note today and I am sure that I will have lots more to say tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today I am sitting in the sun writing this post. The weather here is so amazing and my kids are really enjoying being outside riding bikes and writing on the sidewalk. It is really amazing how the weather can go from 40's and 50's to 75 the next day. That is probably why everyone keeps getting a cold but I really enjoy the weather anyways.
As I am sitting here I just keep thinking about how blessed we really are. We have a great house with just the right size yard and 2 beautiful kids. They might be a handful at times but they are great. We live in a wonderful town that is not too big, but not too small either and we just happen to live in the only subdivision in our town with a sidewalk, which is great since our kids like to play in the front yard. My daughter just learned how to ride her bike really well and she is venturing out around the neighborhood alone, which is really scary, but I guess she has to learn sometime. If we lived anywhere else, we would not be able to do that with her, but we are very fortunate to live where we do.
We also have a great church family and for that I am extremely greatful. When my dad left our church people could have treated us differently than they did, but they chose not to and that is why I love my church family so much. I know that I could not have made it through this transition time of "growing up" without some of the best christian friends. To Michael and Julie Allwhite I want to say thanks a bunch for always being there to listen and to Michael for setting my attitude straight about different issues in the church. We love you guys and your family and we may not have made it through this time without ya'll. To Tania Turner thanks also to you for listening and letting me vent ALOT. I really appreciate you and I know that you will be a lifelong friend. To Julie Barnes I am so thankful for a best friend like you because even though you may not totally understand what I am going through all the time, you still listen to me. Thanks to everyone who has helped me when Jacob was gone out of town and just know that we really appreciate each and every one of you. Well I guess that is all I have to say for today. I know this is long and for that I am sorry, but I had alot to say today. Until next time

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Well I am going to try out this blogging thing. I hope that I can find the time each day to update it. Let me begin by telling you a little about us. Jacob is the most wonderful christian man and he works really hard so that I can stay home with our two kids. He works for Intier Automotive, they are a supplier for GM, and we are praying that we will still have a job after the end of March. I am not really nervous about it because I know that God is going to take care of us and he will open a door somewhere for us. Jacob knows that he has somewhere that he can go if the local plant closes, but that does mean that our family would have to move. We are definitely open to moving, but it is very scary.

I am staying at home with our wonderful 3 year old son,Preston, and I also keep children in my home. It can definitely be stressful at times but it is really good for my son because it is giving him some kind of structure. My kids that I keep are absolutely wonderful and God could not have blessed me with better children. My son is definitely alot like his father and keeps us on our toes. He is going to be 4 in June and I am praying that he will be potty trained by then. Most of you know that we are very laid back parents, but Hannah was so much easier to deal with than Preston. He is very stubborn and strong willed. We are definitely realizing that we are going to have to be alot more stern with Preston than we ever were with Hannah. At 3 we have already grounded him from his trains and the Wii and he still does not care about going to the potty on the "big boy potty." It is very frustrating, but I know that he will get it soon.

We also have a daughter who is 7 years old, Hannah, and such the drama queen. We never know what she is going to say or what is going through her mind. She recently excepted Jesus as her savior and we could not be more proud of her. She will be getting baptized this coming Sunday evening by my dad. I am very excited that my dad will get to baptize Hannah. She is also playing basketball and it has been alot of fun watching those games. The only bad thing is that our games are all at 8 am on Saturday mornings. No more sleeping in until basketball is over. The good thing is I have all of my errands done by 1 or 2 in the afternoon so we have more time in the evening together. She is doing great in school and she is actually enjoying it even though she may not let you know that all the time. I am having to become more disciplined with our time so that we can get all of her homework done, but we figured it out and have finally gotten our time down.

We are definitely always on the go, but we do really enjoy it. My husband has been traveling alot lately and so when he is home we try to stay home so that we can spend time with him. Hopefully he will be home for a while this time. We are definitely not ready for him to go back to Michigan.