Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today I am sitting in the sun writing this post. The weather here is so amazing and my kids are really enjoying being outside riding bikes and writing on the sidewalk. It is really amazing how the weather can go from 40's and 50's to 75 the next day. That is probably why everyone keeps getting a cold but I really enjoy the weather anyways.
As I am sitting here I just keep thinking about how blessed we really are. We have a great house with just the right size yard and 2 beautiful kids. They might be a handful at times but they are great. We live in a wonderful town that is not too big, but not too small either and we just happen to live in the only subdivision in our town with a sidewalk, which is great since our kids like to play in the front yard. My daughter just learned how to ride her bike really well and she is venturing out around the neighborhood alone, which is really scary, but I guess she has to learn sometime. If we lived anywhere else, we would not be able to do that with her, but we are very fortunate to live where we do.
We also have a great church family and for that I am extremely greatful. When my dad left our church people could have treated us differently than they did, but they chose not to and that is why I love my church family so much. I know that I could not have made it through this transition time of "growing up" without some of the best christian friends. To Michael and Julie Allwhite I want to say thanks a bunch for always being there to listen and to Michael for setting my attitude straight about different issues in the church. We love you guys and your family and we may not have made it through this time without ya'll. To Tania Turner thanks also to you for listening and letting me vent ALOT. I really appreciate you and I know that you will be a lifelong friend. To Julie Barnes I am so thankful for a best friend like you because even though you may not totally understand what I am going through all the time, you still listen to me. Thanks to everyone who has helped me when Jacob was gone out of town and just know that we really appreciate each and every one of you. Well I guess that is all I have to say for today. I know this is long and for that I am sorry, but I had alot to say today. Until next time


Southern MiddleAged Queen Bee said...

Hey Amy, noticed on Facebook you said something about a blog and had to come check it out.
take a peek at mine, its random stuff