Monday, February 23, 2009

This weekend was wonderful for our family. My dad was able to come back to our church this past Sunday night and baptize Hannah. It was so exciting and we are so proud of her. My family and Jacob's family and some of our good friends came to our house for dinner after church. We had bodacious bar-b-que and it was good. Mrs. Nora our next door neighbor brought over some wonderful banana pudding and my mother-in-law brought some of her wonderful king cake. It was delicious. Today all of my daycare kids were back and it was alot of fun. We really missed Ashlynn and Isabelle last week. Today was also kind of a hard day for me because my grandfather was in a car wreck. He is okay, but he should not have been driving in the first place. He did not want to listen to his children and grandchildren when we said he should not be driving. He and my grandmother will be moving down here sooner than my parents thought because of what happened. I am not glad that it happened but I am glad that he will be moving here sooner. I just ask that everyone keep my dad and mom in your prayers as well as my aunts and uncles. Also keep my grandparents in your prayers. That God will just open the doors that are needed to be opened so that they can be taken care of.
Also I would ask that everyone keep Jacob and his job in your prayers. We don't know what is going to happen and we will not know until the end of March. Right now it is not looking promising and it is very frustrating. And it is up to the President and Congress to decide basically by deciding what to do with GM. I just pray that God opens their minds and hearts to do what is right for the company whatever that may mean for our family is fine. God is going to help us through it we just have to keep remembering that.
The last thing that I will write about tonight is my son. I am so frustrated with him and the fact that he does not want to potty train. If anyone has any ideas please share them with me. He was potty training great and then all of sudden decided he was no longer interested in going to the potty. We have taken away toys, the Wii, and his favorite trains. He still does not care. I have also gone as far as to leave him in wet pants all day and he does not care. I don't know what else to do, but I do know that he will be 4 in June and he should already be out of pull ups. I hope that everyone has a great day and I hope to hear your ideas on potty training. I might pull out my hair if we don't learn soon.