Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Well I am going to try out this blogging thing. I hope that I can find the time each day to update it. Let me begin by telling you a little about us. Jacob is the most wonderful christian man and he works really hard so that I can stay home with our two kids. He works for Intier Automotive, they are a supplier for GM, and we are praying that we will still have a job after the end of March. I am not really nervous about it because I know that God is going to take care of us and he will open a door somewhere for us. Jacob knows that he has somewhere that he can go if the local plant closes, but that does mean that our family would have to move. We are definitely open to moving, but it is very scary.

I am staying at home with our wonderful 3 year old son,Preston, and I also keep children in my home. It can definitely be stressful at times but it is really good for my son because it is giving him some kind of structure. My kids that I keep are absolutely wonderful and God could not have blessed me with better children. My son is definitely alot like his father and keeps us on our toes. He is going to be 4 in June and I am praying that he will be potty trained by then. Most of you know that we are very laid back parents, but Hannah was so much easier to deal with than Preston. He is very stubborn and strong willed. We are definitely realizing that we are going to have to be alot more stern with Preston than we ever were with Hannah. At 3 we have already grounded him from his trains and the Wii and he still does not care about going to the potty on the "big boy potty." It is very frustrating, but I know that he will get it soon.

We also have a daughter who is 7 years old, Hannah, and such the drama queen. We never know what she is going to say or what is going through her mind. She recently excepted Jesus as her savior and we could not be more proud of her. She will be getting baptized this coming Sunday evening by my dad. I am very excited that my dad will get to baptize Hannah. She is also playing basketball and it has been alot of fun watching those games. The only bad thing is that our games are all at 8 am on Saturday mornings. No more sleeping in until basketball is over. The good thing is I have all of my errands done by 1 or 2 in the afternoon so we have more time in the evening together. She is doing great in school and she is actually enjoying it even though she may not let you know that all the time. I am having to become more disciplined with our time so that we can get all of her homework done, but we figured it out and have finally gotten our time down.

We are definitely always on the go, but we do really enjoy it. My husband has been traveling alot lately and so when he is home we try to stay home so that we can spend time with him. Hopefully he will be home for a while this time. We are definitely not ready for him to go back to Michigan.