Friday, March 20, 2009

Busy Weekend

This weekend is going to be great but busy. To start off we just got home from visiting my grandparents in Minden. They absolutely look better than they did on Tuesday. I am so glad because I was definitely worried that they were not going to get better.

My grandmother actually likes the food at this nursing home and so far the people that we have encountered there have been great to her. I am very glad about that. My grandfather is doing great also but having to adjust to alot of things. Especially having no drivers license and depending on my parents to go anywhere. The other day he told my mother that he would just walk to the nursing home to see my grandmother. That would not be good because he does not know his way around Minden and he can't see anything. Also he can't walk very far without his heart rate getting up too high. He definitely does not need to be walking anywhere but he has to get used to relying on my parents to help him out.

I am so glad that they are doing well because my grandparents mean the world to me. My goal is to go and visit them once a week, which seems like a lot but it is only 45 minutes from our house. That is the same distance as Bossier or Youree Dr. I hope that we can stick with that. It is really important for my kids to know my grandparents.

Tomorrow night is Hannah's slumber party and she is so excited. We are having about 10 girls come and it is going to be a blast. We are going to be making pillowcases and doing makeovers. We are also going to be having a HSM sing along on the Wii. I am sure to get lots of great pictures. I will be posting soon I hope. Even Preston is excited and got himself some new pajamas for the PJ Fashion Runway Show. It will be a blast except for on Sunday morning when we have to get them all ready for church. I know that we will make it, it will just be a stretch.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend.