Saturday, March 14, 2009

Today has been a good day. I woke up around 4 this morning so that I could finish getting my kids clothes ready to sell at Reruns are Fun. I finally finished getting them done and woke up everyone in the house so that they could get dressed bright and early this morning for Hannah's last basketball game. It was great. After that we headed off to Minden for my nephew's 1st Birthday Party. Michael is so cute. Here are some pictures of him eating his cake. I wouldn't have missed that for anything.

Here is a picture of my nephew Kade playing with Michaels box that his toy came in. Why do they always love the boxes more than the toys??

Then it was off to Kiddie Mia's for another birthday party. The kids had a good time.

Finally time for an evening at home with the kids and hubby. We are watching "The Dark Knight" We have never seen it before. So far I really like it.

I did get a chance today to sort through Hannah's clothes and realized that we are so very blessed. I gave a lot of her clothes to Reruns and then I got a whole trash bag of clothes ready to give away and we still have drawers that are overflowing. I guess that I will not be buying her very many clothes at Reruns. This time it is all about Preston.

I guess that God lets us make small realizations all throughout our lives. I am so thankful for everything that we have. God is so awesome and amazing.


Anonymous said...

They R so cute.Also I loved th party

Anonymous said...

Hannah ur little girl is true
actress.That's what she should b.
The Little Gillard

Anonymous said...

Preston,he is hilarous he could b a comedian.He is like a brother 2 me.
The Little Gillard