Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today we drove to Minden to visit my grandparents who have just moved here from San Antonio. My grandmother, who I would consider the most wonderful person in the world, is living in the nursing home in Minden. My grandfather is living with my parents. I know that people can not live forever, but I would love it if they could. It was very eye opening to me to see my grandmother and I had a hard time going home from the nursing home. I want to spend as much time with her as I can. She is getting worse slowly but surely and I hate to see her that way. My grandfather does not seem the same, but maybe that is because he is having to get used to his new surroundings and it is all a little surreal. It is breaking my heart to watch my grandparents getting older and I am having avery difficult time dealing with it. I will just ask everyone to keep me and my grandparents in your prayers. We definitely will need it.