Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This week has been a great week so far. I have had to keep kids during Hannah's spring break, but all in all it has not been too bad. Hannah has helped out with the kids this week and they really love her. Tomorrow I don't have any kids except my own so we are going to be off to Sci Port Discovery Center. They love that place and I do too because it has so much to keep them occupied. Then we are going to head over to Minden to see my grandparents.

My grandmother is doing good at the new nursing home and I am so glad about that. I was really worried that she would not do good with the move but she has surprised me. She has actually been standing up in Physical Therapy, which is great. I am hoping that they can get her to at least be able to get up and down out of a chair so that she can come home to my parents house for the holidays. That would be the best present to be able to have her there.

My grandfather is having a little bit harder time adjusting. I think that it has to do with becoming dependent on my parents instead of being independent. He is also having a hard time seeing and he has a hard time hearing. I hope that my parents can encourage him to go and see a doctor about those two things.

I have been thinking a lot about the responsibility that my parents took on when they moved my grandparents down here. They just got all of the kids out of the house, and now they have my grandparents moved in. I think that they are two of the most unselfish people. They put the needs of others always above their own needs and I could not ask for a better example of selflessness for my kids to see. I just hope that some day I will be able to be the same example to my kids.

I would just ask that you guys continue to pray for my parents and my grandparents as they adjust to all of the changes that are happening. I know that this move was so important for my grandpa and I am glad that he decided to move without a fight. I hope that everyone has a great week.